
Monday, January 30, 2012

An Unexpected Tale of Two Cities

We are walking down a path we did not forsee.  Instead of being with my newborn daughter 24/7, I am visiting her in the NICU at a Children's Hospital 50 miles away from our home.  Here's an overview of the first week of her life:

In the wee hours of the morning, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl at the local Catholic hospital.

We went home.

"Blueberry" had her 2-day checkup.

Thursday: I took my too-sleepy daughter back to see the doctor.  And then:
  • she was admitted to the local hospital for tests to be run.
  • our little girl was transported to Omaha by ambulance to await surgery.
  • We held our daughter in our arms and in our prayers before she went into the operating room.  And we waited. 
  • Three hours later, the surgeon came out to let us know that the surgery on her intestines went well.  The sun literally broke through the clouds just moments before. 
  • We rejoiced in the good news and shared it with those who had been praying.
  • My husband drove back home to be with our other three children.

  • Three grandparents and our three children drove to Omaha to see "Blueberry" after her surgery.  Several friends came to visit as well.  We were relieved and happy that our daughter was doing so well. 
  • I went home with my mother and the kids. 
  • My husband and parents-in-law stayed in Omaha.

I had the odd experience of going to church less than a week after giving birth.  I had thought I would be staying home with my new baby girl.  Yet I had so much for which to give praise and thanks to God, how could I keep from singing?

I returned to Omaha and my husband returned home.

Before our littlest girl was born, I was anxious about the tasks I'd left undone, and wondered how we would cope with the transition of adding another child to our family.  Now I look forward to our family being reunited, chaos and all.   And I actually long for the chance to be awoken in the night to feed my newborn child. 

Until then, I trust that not only is she in great hands here with the expert hospital staff, there are greater hands which are holding and preserving her life as she recovers. 

He's got the tiny little babies in His hands...
He's got you and me sister
in His hands,
He's got the whole world in His hands.


  1. I am praying for you, your family, and your sweet baby girl! God's Hands are mighty and gentle. I had to leave my newborn(middle son) in the NICU for 10 days after his birth. It was so odd and heart wrenching to walk into our home without my baby in our arms. You are a strong Mama with a strong faith! Be encouraged that God is holding you in those same Hands.

  2. Sweet Julia! I pray that you are soon soon soon at home with your sweet baby girl. What a stressful way to begin...I pray that God wraps you in His comfort!
    Thank you for having such a thankful attitude. :) You are an example!

  3. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement. It's heartening to know we are not walking through this alone.

  4. It's been encouraging for those of us "on the outside looking in" to see your faith in action!

    Praying that your sweet baby continues to heal completely (& quickly!) so that all of your family can be under the same roof once again!

  5. You and your family are in my prayers. It is such a comfort to know of God's awesome power but scary just the same. So thankful for his peace!
