This week's tip comes in two parts since I did not post a tip last week. Read and you will discover why I always keep an extra jar of real mayonnaise on hand.
1. Macaroni and Cheese Solution
If we run out of milk or the milk has gone sour, what's a parent of Macaroni-and-Cheese loving children to do? We improvise. With some cholesterol free mayonnaise and a little water, we found a perfectly acceptable, creamier version of our beloved pasta dish. Though not essential, adding pureed cauliflower along with the mayonnaise makes the sauce even better.
2. Ranch Dressing Made Simple
Mayonnaise and plain yogurt can be combined and seasoned into homemade ranch dressing. This creamy cucumber version stemmed from my original simpler creation. This first homemade version was born when I decided to mix up my own ranch dressing while on vacation; I did not want to buy anything else that we couldn't finish before leaving.
This week's tip is linked to Tuesday's Tip Jar and Works for Me Wednesday.
Mmmm... I totally want to try that in my Mac-n-Cheese!
Sounds like a yummy alternative!!