
Monday, May 2, 2011

Celebrating Children's Book Week: The Count 'Em Up Book Challenge

How many children's books do you own?  Do you think you could read them all in one week?  Or maybe in one month?  Join me as we celebrate the joys of reading books with a challenge and work our way through the shelves together.

My goal is to read and count all of our children's books in one week*.  Maybe you'd prefer to give yourself the whole month.  The choice is yours.

Ready to start?  Just leave a comment at the end of this post and I will add your name and web link to the list below.  You are welcome to link back here or add the button on my side bar to let others know about the challenge (though it's not required).  I'll post an update of my family's progress on Thursday.  Then next week, stay tuned for the report on how we did with our book challenge.

 Let's read and count 'em up!

Who's in:
1.  Me @ Roots of Simplicity
2.  Asian Treasures
3.  Strasilo
4.  Doris
5.  B
6.  [ You're next!]

* With our longer children's books, I may opt not to read them cover to cover.  We'll look through them and choose certain parts or favorite stories in a collection.  Whether or not we read every page, I'll count every book we manage to crack open.

I'm linking this to Anti-Procrastination Tuesday.


  1. Great endeavor. I'll join you. Found a box of books from your childhood too. Love, Mom

  2. I would love to join your challenge. I still have all weekend to read more books!
