
Friday, May 20, 2011

Summer Craft Ideas to Do Outside

Summer is getting closer and closer, with Memorial Day serving as the kickoff in my way of thinking.  In 2011, that weekend marks the end of school, at which point I will be back to spending all day with my three energetic children.  Thankfully, we share some common loves, like crafting, nature, and berry picking.  Ever since the weather warmed, for instance, my son cannot stop talking about summer and inquiring when the berries will be ready to pick.

When we are not picking strawberries, mulberries and raspberries, among other things, we will be doing some crafts in the summer months.  Preferably we'll bring our materials outdoors, though some crafts are not compatible with the summer breezes.  Choosing projects with materials that are less likely to be blown off the table is key.

Craft projects that, in my opinion, can be made outdoors:

Patriotic Pinwheel Bracelet
Spider Web Lacing
(a perfect compliment to The Very Busy Spider)

Ribbon Wrapped Ring Toss Game

Pistachio and Pasta Art

Bejeweled Boxes

Sandpaper Castles

Recycled Snack Boxes
(handy for our jaunts to nearby parks)

Gumball Bracelets
(a great way to use up parade candy)

We will surely be spending time indoors as well, and I hope to make more effective use of my "Jar O' Fun" idea this time around.  My plan is to have the kids draw out ideas at the end of each week and then slot those activities into the coming week.  That way we can create a workable schedule and make sure we are stocked with any necessary supplies.

How do you plan to spend your days this summer?

I am also linking to Friday Flair and Penny Pinching Party.


  1. Hi! We loved this collection of outdoor craft/game ideas and featured it here at our blog >> MPM School Supplies Blog. We were sure to give photo and idea credit, as well as a link back to your site, but we'd love for you to take a look at the feature and, if there are any problems, we'll be certain to take the article down immediately!

    Thanks so much!
    Kayla Johnson

  2. We're working on our summer schedule, but it will also involve lots of crafts & park outings. Our town's parks & rec website states there are 125 parks. We're gonna do our best to find them all & blog about them. : )

  3. Good ideas, although I will admit that since I have teens I wont be trying them out.....hope you enjoy your time with your kids at home!

  4. Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [21 May 02:15am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

  5. Great ideas!! Thanks for sharing all these. Love the sandpaper castle idea.

  6. lovely ideas :) Visiting from Home Sanctuary. We are coming into Winter in Australia, so are doing the indoor-sy crafts!

  7. Great ideas! I have several lists saved and hope to make a master list of things we will try to do this summer this week.

  8. Hello, What a great blog you have. So many idea. I am going to do some of them with my grandchildren this summer. Thanks for sharing. Also a great tutorial on making my own button for my blog. I must do that also. Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving your sweet comment. Please do come back again. Hugs, Karie
