- Wandering the aisles of the farmers market in downtown KC. We left laden with sweet corn, a watermelon, and peaches. Plus we picked up a new-to-us book at a library book sale--Angel Child, Dragon Child
--which tells an excellent story of cross-cultural adjustment.
- For old time's sake, peeking at what was available at the nearby Asian supermarket. Score! They had frozen mangosteens from Thailand and fresh dragonfruit--two of our favorite tropical fruits.
- My in-laws visiting Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead with the kids, which was apparently loads of fun for all. Neither the grandparents nor my kids had ever been there before, but a return visit is something all of us anticipate.
- Seeing Avatar
at a theater in 3-D. I'm guessing we were the only ones there who had never seen the film before. We were in awe of the world we entered, and when we left the theater, it took a few minutes to find our bearings again.
What adventures have you had this month?
Oooh, I like your purple make-over, Julia! Purple is my fav color. :D
The fruit looks interesting...but I'm sure it's awesome. I've never had either kind!
Also, I'll have to check out that book. :)
Thanks for linking up, Julia. It's good to hear about what's going on with you guys.
I agree with Alicia on both accounts:) I am enjoying your new background and purple is my favorite color!
It sounds like you had a wonderful time. I love hearing about your adventures. Happy 10 years to you and your hubby!!
We have that book! I like it, too. Although, it is a bit "old" for Adria.
Glad you had a fun weekend!
Happy Belated Anniversary! It's always nice when your able to get away and celebrate such an important occasion!
What interesting fruit. . .I'm not much of an exotic eater. . .keeps me from traveling too much :) Glad you were able to enjoy your anniversary as a couple, free from parental duties for awhile. Special times for sure for all.
Sounds like a great weekend all around - happy anniversary! I haven't tried the fruits you mentioned, but would love to - they look really intriguing.
Happy anniversary! And I can't even remember the last time we went to the theater to watch a movie...probably more than half a decade ago. I'm sure 3D is different, but it seems that movies come out on DVDs so quickly now. I hoping I'm not missing out on that much since I put it on request from the library whenever they purchase copies. =p Sounds like everyone had a good time. Thanks for sharing about it with us. Have a great rest of the weekend.
Happy Anniversary! Sounds like a lovely time. I must admit I am not a very adventurous eater, nothing too exotic! I also have not seen Avatar...guess I'll see it on DVD! Hope you have a great week!
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